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Wood Help

Hey Turners and Turnees!

my name is Travis. My wife and I have been members for almost a year and I’ve been turning for almost 2. We have three little children so we haven’t been able to make a meeting yet. I did get to meet some of you at the Sam Angelo event out at Dave’s.

I just scored some logs and if anyone can tell me what it is I’d appreciate the help. It smells Smokey like Mesquite but it’s local wood.  That is a chunk of maple for reference.

thanks in advance!  Hope to meet more of you soon.

MILTON (Johnnie) JOH

My guess is butternut (aka white walnut)

Johnnie Johnson


that would be awesome! I want to turn butternut have not worked with it yet.

After researching I think it may be black locust. I have not worked with it ever. I read it glows green under black light which this does slightly 🤷. Here’s a fresh turnee to get a better look at the grain


Alex Zabel

IMHO - the heartwood is to dark to be butternut. Any thorns on the trunk or limbs = black locust. You can cut butternut/walnut all day with a fresh sharp chain on the chainsaw. Black locust dulls the chain real fast! Same can be said when turning - how fast are you losing the edge on your tools will give you a clue.

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