Hi All. I thought it was time to response letting you know I purchased the 24x36 Laguna. A bit of a beast for my experience for sure, but I hoped it would support my long term turning needs. I decided on the 24x36 based on weight (heavy), swing over banjo, and 3HP motor. So far, I really like the lathe for those reasons and ease of use. I need to qualify that last comment to note, Laguna is the only type of lathe I have used. I also like the dual control. Rather not need to flip a switch to change from one to the other, but small thing. I have continued to turn small bowls and other trinkets and have turned some larger 14" bowls finished diameter. I was confused thinking it was a stainless steel bed, which it is not. It is steel. I am happy with the lathe, but now find myself wondering if I should have gone for broke and bought a Robust. I just retired, and hope to turn much more. I am going to research the Robust more (why not, I love learning) and maybe resell and buy. Hmm. Seems like a lot for a novice, but the Robust seems to have amazing service support and a 7 year warranty. As I get older, those thing may be more important. Welcome feedback...crazy, do it, don't do it, why, etc. Thanks.