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Live Woodturning Weekend - Free Demonstrations Dec...
James Smith

Roger Becker received an email invitation to a free Live Woodturning Weekend scheduled for Dec. 12-14 and states "I took one in earlier and it was well worthwhile and free." The text of the email follows, and complete details for signing up for this event are contained in the attachment.


Please find attached your RSVP invitation, for the Record Power - Live Session ‘Christmas Special’….a Free Educational Programme for Woodturning.

We are delighted to support this weekend of Free ‘Interactive Remote Demonstrations’ (IRD’s). Last week we welcomed over 1,000 attendees to our International Woodturning Club.

For our Christmas Special, Theo Haralampuo will be demonstrating from his studio workshop in Brisbane Australia….and…from the other side of the planet, we have Andrew Hall from his studio workshop in Country Durham, England.

Please encourage those around you who might benefit from being part of our community, and join us for these Inspirational, Educational & Entertaining Woodturning events.

Please note that the same log in details can be used for all sessions regardless of time or location…. Simply send an email with RSVP in the subject line to – and we will reserve a spot for you. Your log in details will be sent in return.

Theo will demonstrate the same projects for Session 1&2, and Andrew will present the same content for sessions 3&4.

The goal is to ensure that we cover all time zones for each demonstration. Please ensure you check ‘am’ or ‘pm’ for the times and sessions that you would like to attend….some sessions will be prime time..and others will be early hours of the morning!

Live Sessions 1&2

Bells, Baubles and Christmas Trees – With Theo Haralampou - Australia

Theo is definitely stepping into the festive season with this Live Session.

Learn about the suitable substrates for colour layering and embellishment, along with materials and finishes.

Theo demonstrates several head and tailstock support methods whilst creating a selection of festive adornments, novelties and gifts.

This week, Theo covers:

• ‘Top’ turning tips for kids – (parenting/grandparenting wisdom!)

• Focus on spindle gouge angles and grinds

• Colouring

• Parting off techniques

Theo will be demonstrating live from his studio workshop in Brisbane, Australia.

Live Sessions 3&4

Sidney the Smoking Snowman – With Andrew Hall - England

We are delighted to welcome British Woodturner, Andrew Hall to Live Sessions for our Christmas Special Weekend.

Andrew is known around the world for his turning talents, particularly for his Hallwood Hat creations and the super stylish’ Bluesbowls’.

For this Live Sessions debut, Andrew will be sharing a multitude of turning techniques and disciplines from his studio workshop in County Durham, England, to create Sidney the Smoking Snowman.

In this session, Andrew covers:

• Characteristics of timber

• Centering and mounting.

• Optimum speeds for spindle and side grain turning.

• Spindle/Bowl turning tools, grinding techniques and finishing.

• Safety equipment and risk assessment

It’s rewarding for us to see so many familiar names and faces each week, and we encourage you to bring along your woodworking friends and join our International Live Session community….all they need to do is send us an RSVP.

Please remember to let me know which country you will be joining us from with your RSVP.

Please register by sending an email to with RSVP in the subject line, and I’ll send your log in code by return email.

Let me know if you have any difficulty registering, and I’ll do my best to help.

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards

Mike Davies

International Sales Representative

Tel: +64 (0)21 267 3581


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