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West High School and Jefferson Mentoring Programs

We teach woodturning to high school students at Madison West High School and at Jefferson County we teach home-schooled kids and the 4H community.   Both programs are well recieved and popular.  Each year we look for members who want to volunteer to be in the classroom and teach woodturning.  It is rewarding and a really great learning experience.  
If you want to discuss it reach out to Cyndi and she will put you in touch with the right people.  If this is something you are ready to do.  Sign up on the Volunteer page. 


Sign up here.

2022 April Show and Tell

Bowl on Lathe

Turning Tutors

We want to ramp up our member-to-member exchange of skills and knowledge in the club. Turning Tutors  is a fantastic way for you to grow your turning skills, make new connections and meet great people. BWT has award-winning, expert turners and intermediate level turners who, at no cost, are willing to share their expertise one-to-one with other club members.

A tutoring relationship might be as simple as getting a member’s advice in a one-time conversation, or it might include regular hands-on sessions over a lathe. The exact nature is up to you and your tutor. If you feel you could learn from a fellow club member, organize your thoughts about your needs and contact an appropriate volunteer tutor to determine if they are match and available. It may be possible to schedule a session over zoom. The members of BWT are eager to share what they know and love! So, take advantage of this great and varied wealth of knowledge!

As BWT has two ongoing mentoring programs at West High School and Jefferson we are going to use Turning Tutors for those who want to do “member to member” skills and knowledge exchange. There, no doubt, will be many members who do both types of teaching.

Open to BWT members log in for more information and to find a Tutor.  TutorsPage


WIT-Women In Turning

WIT is dedicated to encouraging and assisting women in their pursuit of turning, to sharing ideas and processes to further members' skills and creativity, and to increasing participation of women in the field of woodturning. WIT itself is a committee of the American Association of Woodturners.Badger Woodturners welcomes women of all skill levels to come to the meetings, learn woodturning and have some fun. 

If you want to learn more about WIT click here. WIT Home Page at AAW

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